jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2007


I haven't written in english for a while now. You could be thinking "he is trying to show off". If you are thinking that, you're probably wrong. But the actual motives are, not only deeper, but stranger as well.

I think I write or speak out loud in english as a way of breaking away form my issues. I can speak of them as if they were not my own. In fact, if I'm confessing this on line is only because I'm doing it in a way in wich many will not undestand. Furthermore, it helps me think it twice.

Language is something strange. Probably the most revolutionary technological invention in the history of mankind, nothing could actually exist if there was no language. Of course, this is not my idea, many semiologists and thinkers said it long time ago, and studied language with that thought in mind (Mijail Bajtin, Charles Peirce, etc.)

I mention this because, if speaking makes things exsist, each language makes that exsistance different. If you say "Snow" you are talking about one phenomenon; but Esquimals have 14 different words for what we know as "snow"; for them, the phenomenon is something else.

This is why I think of my issues in english. Because I think that, somehow, they will be something else.

But those remain the same, you know?

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